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About Saravji’s Hut

What Saravji’s Hut is:

  • A place where knowledge is shared. Everybody is welcome.
  • A project build out of a passion for educating and mentoring.
  • Focused on the Learner.

What Saravji’s Hut is not:

  • A place where inconsiderate behavior will be tolerated.
  • A place where polarizing and/or divisive comments will be tolerated.
  • Focused on the instructor.

How you can contribute:

  • spread the word
  • subscribe to the YouTube Channel: Saravji's Hut YouTube
  • follow on twitter to receive notifications about new uploads and other related news: Saravji's twitter
  • give constructive feedback

About the namesake character:

Who is Saravji?

Saravji is an important secondary character in a book series. I'd categorize the author (Gisbert Haefs) as a third class author, but the idea of the book series in it's majority a worthy read (You'll need to read it in German as no translation is available).
The genre is syfy/ syfy-western. It's set several decades in the future with the universe being explored and numerous populated planets and solar systems discoverd. This story happens on a planet on the fringes of the known universe. The peoples on this planet were at one point extremely technologically developed, having abonded most of technology and spacefaring centuries ago to persue a slower, more deliberate and more conscious form of living. The peoples are guided by elders. These elders are always a couple. The concil of elders is represented and guided by one couple. Saravji from a very young age was groomed and guided to become part of this representative's couple.

Why Saravji's Hut?

He declinde. Instead, he's traveling the world, observing and steering the deciding events. He knows approximatly when and where something of imprtance will happen. He travels to these locations, set's up a hut from the available materials and waits for the important thing to happen. Each of these things will ultimatly change the trajectory of history. (Hence the tag line: The place where change happens). Once the event occured, Saravji put's fire to his hut and moves on.
I identify with this caracter, as I think it is far more important what we do than who we are or what we have.
And the intention behind this endevaour is to enable support personal change and advancement.

About Piracy

Effectively, I cannot prevent anyone from pirating or using my works in a way different than intended.
However, I ask to consider that the materials made available constitute a significant investment. If it would be your efforts / time / monetary contributions, would you not appreciate if folks would show ethical behavior?
So, why not support and respect the rights?